Traditional dry stane dykes including seats, pillars, steps and garden features. New walls built with locally sourced stone. Repairs and rebuilds of old mortared and dry stone walls in every style.
Timber posts and gates.
Learning traditional dry stone walling skills from my father, I began building and repairing dry stane dykes.
In 1997, I attended a Dry Stone Walling Association (DSWA) course to increase my knowledge and experience. The following year, I completed my Intermediate test, and also qualified as a DSWA instructor.
As the main instructor for the Southwest Scotland branch of the DSWA, I teach on several courses each year.
I am familiar with all aspects of dry stane dyking:
repairing old walls
new builds
garden features
boulder dykes
Galloway dykes
traditional double walls
retaining walls
Throughout my career, I have developed a variety of skills other than dry stane dyking. In addition, I have worked on many rural and upland path networks, notably establishing large areas of the Muirkirk to Ayr Path Network. This included:
constructing viewpoints,
timber walkways,
installing path furniture and stonework.
bridge building from small timber, up to 23 meter span metal/timber modular bridges.
I am happy to visit or discuss design features and options at no charge.
A note on stone: Whinstone is a generic term used in the quarrying industry to describe a hard angular stone, such as basalt and dolerite. Usually dark grey in colour, it can contain shades of red, orange and brown.
The name "whin" comes from the sound it makes when struck with a hammer.
Although a fairly difficult stone to build with, it lends itself perfectly to the harsh Scottish weather, making for a very strong traditional looking "Dry Stane Dyke".